Horizon Series™ 雙門血庫冰箱

HBR245-GX 血庫冰箱是雙門、直立式GX Solutions型號,可在 4°C 下安全儲存血液製品。基本的警報功能提供持續監控。創新的 OptiCool™ 技術除了對血液儲存至關重要的出色的溫度均勻性和恢復性之外,還具有節能、安靜運行和低熱量輸出等優點。

44.9 銅英尺(1271 公升)
14 個抽屜
符合 AABB 標準
Helmer 產品在您訂購時按照規格製造,確保完美適合您的設施。聯絡我們開始使用。
Blood Bank Refrigerator
Blood Bank Refrigerator
Blood Bank Refrigerator
Blood Bank Refrigerator
Blood Bank Refrigerator
Blood Bank Refrigerator


  • OptiCool™ 技術將可變容量壓縮機 (VCC) 和天然碳氫化合物冷媒配對,以確保最佳的溫度均勻性、恢復性和穩定性,有效管理能源消耗並滿足不斷變化的環境法規
  • 優化的溫度均勻性、恢復性和穩定性為血液儲存創造最佳環境
  • 減少能源消耗(比傳統技術效率提高 50-65%)
  • 符合美國環保署 SNAP(重大新替代品政策)標準的冷媒
  • 安靜運轉 (50 dB) 可減少干擾並創造更好的工作環境
  • 具有內建警報的數位微處理器溫度控制器,包括最小/最大顯示和重置
  • 採用高品質結構製造的機櫃符合或超過醫療和科學行業所需的性能標準
  • 可調節、不漏液的抽屜,用於控制溢出物
  • 後部接入埠
  • 能源之星®認證
  • Rel.i™ 保固包括 5 年壓縮機、2 年零件和 1 年人工

Solid Ballast Simulator Kit for GX Model Refrigerators

Solid Ballast Simulator is a maintenance-free thermal buffering solution designed to replace glycerin bottles. Uses existing wall or ceiling-mounted bracket.

Solid Door

Ideal for storage of light-sensitive products or to reduce risk of diversion.

Top Panel Cover (45 Cu. Ft.)

Top cover for GX 45 cu ft upright refrigerator. Attachment materials provided.

Ventilated Shelf (20/45 Cu. Ft)

Full Shelf, Ventilated, White (with hardware). For field installation (for 20 and 45 cu ft refrigerators and freezers, GX models)

Ventilated Drawers (20 & 45 Cu. Ft.)

Ventilated drawers are fully extendable and powder-coated (for 20 and 45 cu ft Refrigerators, GX models). Hardware is included.

Solid Stainless Steel Drawers (20/45 Cu. Ft.)

Liquid-tight drawers contain spills and are fully extendable (for Horizon Series™ 20 and 45 cu ft Refrigerators).

Locking Drawers (20 & 45 Cu. Ft.)

Stainless-steel drawers with ventilated cover and key lock offer secure storage for medications, vaccines, blood products, samples, and more (for 20 and 45 cu ft Refrigerators).


Chart paper for Refrigerators (4")

7-day, inkless, pressure-sensitive circular chart paper. Pkg of 52.

Seismic Anchor Kit

Secure your refrigerator to the building floor with this Seismic-Rated floor anchoring system. For Field Installation (for 45 and 56 cu ft refrigerators and freezers, GX Models).

Floor and Wall Bracket Kit (Upright)

Floor and Wall Bracket Kit is designed to secure your upright refrigerator or freezer to the building floor and/or wall. Not seismic-rated.

Leveling Feet (Double-Door Upright)

Leveling Leg Kit, for Field Installation (for Refrigerators 45/56 Cu Ft)

Drawer Divider - Angled, 30 Compartments

Drawer dividers can be used to simplify and organize storage. They are excellent for storing blood bags and for use with automated medication dispensing systems. Drawer dividers are designed exclusively for Helmer and fit conveniently in our stainless steel drawers. The heavy-duty plastic divider parts are removable to create custom storage spaces. Specifications: Angled dividers - 30 compartments (1 divider required per drawer).

Drawer Divider - Upright, 40 Compartments

Drawer dividers can be used to simplify and organize storage. They are excellent for storing blood bags and for use with automated medication dispensing systems. Drawer dividers are designed exclusively for Helmer and fit conveniently in our stainless steel drawers. The heavy-duty plastic divider parts are removable to create custom storage spaces.

Probe Bottle with Glycerin

Replacement kit includes Probe Bottle and Glycerin. Field Installation, for refrigerators.

RA1 Remote Alarm

RA1 Remote Alarm, for field installation. Extend alarms for 1 device or zone to remote locations in your facilities.

RA4 Remote Alarm

RA4 Remote Alarm, for field installation. Extend alarms for up to 4 devices or zones  to remote locations in your facility.