BD Pyxis™ ES Refrigerator

With Helmer Access Technology

Medical-grade refrigerator providing integrated and secure, single line-item access to high-risk and high-value refrigerated medications.

The industry-first BD Pyxis™ ES Refrigerator with Helmer Access Technology features precise temperature management and secure locking bins accessed only via the BD Pyxis™ MedStation™ ES. This enhances care by supporting medication safety, clinical workflow efficiency and regulatory compliance, while helping to reduce waste and mitigate the risk of diversion of refrigerated medications.


Clinical & Economic Burden of Managing Refrigerated Medications

Several guidelines exist for refrigerated medication management and storage, however, their management is complicated.


What Fits in a BD Pyxis Refrigerator Bin?

A side-by-side comparison of the Helmer Scientific under-counter refrigerator & a competitive under-counter refrigerator.


BD Pyxis Refrigerator Technical Specifications Sheet

This guide highlights everything you need to know about CDC vaccines storage, temperature monitoring and handling excursions.

Medication Safety

Individual locking bins allow for safe and secure storage of high-risk and high-value refrigerated medications.

Medication Security

Helps prevent diversion and its associated risk to medication safety and patient care.

Simplified Workflow

For Point of Care Refrigerated Medications

Provides secured access to refrigerated medications using an efficient, standardized workflow guided from the BD Pyxis™ MedStation™ ES. Available in both 5 cu. ft. and 13 cu. ft. sizes with two different bin sizes to meet the diverse needs of hospital units.

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Pyxis bins

Refrigerators from Helmer Scientific

Helping You Comply with Regulations & Guidelines

Ensures medications and vaccines are stored at optimal temperatures to help reduce waste and support regulatory compliance. With the door and bins locked and accessed directly via the BD Pyxis™ MedStation™ ES, the refrigerator offers precise temperature uniformity throughout the unit ensuring refrigerated medications maintain the desired optimal temperature.

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